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Chinese Buildings
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This is a range of buildings and scenics, with emphasis on the Colonial Period. With the exception of Chin 25-01, these buildings are suitable for any period of Chinese history from Han (2nd Century BC) to Manchu (20th. Century). In addition, they would not be unduly out of place in a Japanese setting.

Walling pieces, Chin 25-07 to Chin 25-10 inclusive, may be used to enclose the Chin 25-06 Yamen or the Chin 25-02 to Chin 25-05 buildings to make a farm. Chin 25-06 may also be used for town buildings.

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Chinese Buildings Painting Guide
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Chinese buildings may be painted in a variety of ways to represent the different materials used in their construction. All methods require the model to be undercoated with white primer.

For mud-covered walls, paint on a thinned layer of burnt sienna then, while still wet, wipe off the paint with a clean, dry piece of sponge. Repeat to deepen the colour until the desired effect is achieved.

Stone walls are painted as above, but using Paynes Grey.

Plastered or whitewashed walls use the same technique, but using raw sienna oil paint. Alternatively, they may be base-coated with raw sienna.

Allow to dry thoroughly, then wetbrush (drybrushing with a fully charged brush) with a raw sienna and white mixture. Finally, wetbrush with white.

For thatch (which could be straw or white seaweed) apply a raw sienna undercoat over the white primer.

When dry, drybrush with a raw sienna/white mixture, then drybrush with white.

For tiling, apply Winsor and Newton burnt sienna or deep red ink over the white primer. Alternatively, use thinned light red or terracotta oil paint and wipe clean with a clean, dry, sponge.

Earthenware chimneys should be painted with enamel or acrylic terracotta, then drybrushed with a terracotta/raw sienna mix.

Woodwork should be undercoated with enamel or acrylic burnt sienna, then finished by drybrushing with white, then raw sienna, then white again. Woodwork was also often laquered black or red on Chinese buildings. Lightly drybrush with white to accentuate the details.

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