Monumental Ruins 25mm

A range of models designed to represent the ruined monuments of ancient civilisations

Code          Description Price 


RB30-31 Small corner £3.00  
RB30-32 Tall Corner 1 £5.00 RB30-32.jpg (36686 bytes)
RB30-33 Tall Corner 2 £6.50 RB30-33.jpg (34425 bytes)
RB30-38 Tall U (perfect as a Ruined Tower, Shrine or Sanctuary) £6.00 RB30-38.jpg (27829 bytes)
RB30-39 Colossal Gateway/Entrance £7.50 RB30-39.jpg (24438 bytes)
RB30-40 Trapezoidal Gateway/Entrance £7.50  
To accompany the Monumental ruins, and to add some distinctive flavour we also have a range of decorative reliefs:  
RB30-51a Quetzalcoatl - God of creation/knowledge £3.00 RB25-51a       a.jpg (33538 bytes)
RB30-51b Huitziloochtli - God of the sun/war £3.00 RB25-51b        a.jpg (31996 bytes)
RB30-51c Tialoc - Rain God £3.00 RB25-51c        a.jpg (29176 bytes)
RB30-51d Chalchiuhtlicue - Goddess of Lakes £3.00 RB25-51d      a.jpg (34500 bytes)
RB30-51e Tezcatlipoca - God of Fate £3.00 RB25-51e        a.jpg (31704 bytes)
RB30-51f Mictlantecuhtli - God of the dead £3.00 RB25-51f       a.jpg (31629 bytes)
RB30-51g Xipe Totec - God of springtime £3.00 RB25-51g      a.jpg (38164 bytes)
RB30-51h Chicomecoatl - Goddess of Agriculture £3.00 RB25-51h        b.jpg (29761 bytes)
Lost Kingdom of the Dwarfs  
RB30-56a Pair of Colossal Lions £5.00 RB30-56a.jpg (32296 bytes)
RB30-56b Pair of Colossal Hunting Dogs £5.00 RB30-56b.jpg (25664 bytes)
RB30-56c Pair of Rearing Winged Lions £4.00 RB 30-56c      a.jpg (27658 bytes)
RB30-56d Four different Dwarfen Kings/Characters Anthropomorphic Pillars £6.00  
RB30-52a Egyptian Cattle and Herders (x3 different) £6.00 RB25-52a   3   b.jpg (24848 bytes)RB25-52a  1    a.jpg (22797 bytes)RB25-52a  2   b.jpg (21180 bytes)
RB30-52b Birds & Keeper (x2 different) £4.50 RB25-52b   1  b.jpg (25714 bytes)RB25-52b  2    b.jpg (24182 bytes)
RB30-52c Seated couple on throne £4.00 RB25-52c      b.jpg (28567 bytes)
RB30-52d Divinities (x4 different) £6.00 RB25-52d   1   a.jpg (26118 bytes)RB25-52d   2   b.jpg (24248 bytes)RB25-52d   3  a.jpg (23946 bytes)RB25-52d   4   a.jpg (20323 bytes)
RB30-52e Winged Goddess 'Maat' (x2 facing each other) £5.00 RB25-52e      b.jpg (30953 bytes)
RB30-52f Vulturine Lintel £3.00  
RB30-52g Winged Sun Disc Lintel £3.00  
RB30-55a The Sacrifice £4.00  
RB30-55b Clash of the Titans £4.00  
RB30-55c Attack of the hound from Another Dimension £4.00 RB 30-55c      b.jpg (25240 bytes)
RB30-55d Great Old One rising from the Deep £4.00 RB 30-55d      b.jpg (34685 bytes)

Examples of how the reliefs can be applied to the monumental ruins to great effect.

RB30-33+56a.jpg (35412 bytes)RB30-38+56a.jpg (27709 bytes)RB30-38+56b.jpg (44938 bytes)RB30-39+56a.jpg (26387 bytes)


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