OF THE SANDMEN & DISTURBIA                       

A story is spreading among the Outlanders of settlements razed and people slaughtered. Their bodies left to rot food for Dolls and crows. A tale of strange things who strike in the darkest hours, then leave no trace other then the scent of blood. Many scoff for there is always something out in the dark, how can this be different? Others cautiously huddle next to the fire and shudder as they give a name to this new horror, they are the Sandmen.

 Few have lived to bear witness to these so-called Sandmen, but those that claim too all agree on their appearance. Gangly things with the stink of gunpowder and blood about them. They are all alike, dressed in a black uniform,  tall boots and leather jackets that creak with every movement - a sound not unlike the gallows rope. But it is their faces that freeze the blood, horribly twisted parodies of men, their mouths fixed in a snarl of hate, broken and jagged teeth  gleam in the dark, their only voice being an un-earthly howl filled with hatred and despair.

  The Sandmen have not gone unnoticed. Lord Hook has heard the stories and has sent spies to gather information, and secret bounties have been placed. But do not think his actions stem from any desire to protect those who live in this blighted land. He has heard of their weapons that spit bullets at an incredible rate, and it is this tool he longs for so he can secure his position once and for all.


There is only one true path, in your hearts you have all known this. You bleat about freedom and yet you are unable to bear the responsibility that freedom brings. A new Dawn is coming the old ways will be swept aside. Gone will be the anarchy and burden that freedom brings, in its place will be order born of certainty.

Too many voices clamour to be heard fostering chaos in their place shall be one voice mine!

 From deep within the vast plain of nightmares come the Sandmen. There are those who have made it their life’s work to study them, this usually results in a short life.


The Sandmen fall into several categories:

The most common type of Sandman is the basic soldat they look like men from a distance but up close their faces are twisted beyond the human, mouths contorted into a permanent snarl eyes sunk deep within their sockets. They are of similar build to humans, certainly no stronger.  Their style of combat favours ranged weapons perhaps revealing a dislike of close combat. As for their dress all wear tall boots with dark grey trousers tucked into the top, over this they wear a black or very dark brown leather jacket. A pair of Ammunition pouches hangs from their belts. This familiar uniform is finished off with a German style steel helmet in black.

Uber Sandmen are the leaders of raiding parties, several may be found in larger forces, if there is some sort of hierarchy among them, it is not clear. They are physically bigger than a soldat and take to close combat much more readily, often carrying a whip as a secondary weapon. Mostly seen wearing a long dark grey coat. They can also be found herding mobs of Drudges on the battlefield.

Several sighting of Sandmen report different modes of dress. Soldats can be seen wearing overcoats, gasmasks or any combination of these items. The gas mask is most puzzling as no one in Disturbia uses gas as a weapon. Reports are coming in of Sandmen forces equipped with flame-throwers and heavier versions of their machine guns.

Sometimes their numbers; horrific appearance and firepower are not enough. When this is the case, the most feared type of Sandman will be called on. Rampagers are huge in comparison to soldats their upper bodies are a mass of muscle designed purely for tearing things apart. They wear the familiar tall boots and grey trousers but their bodies are too massive to fit any uniform jacket, their hands are encased in armoured gloves. By comparison, to their massive bodies, the head is tiny; a featureless iron mask protects this to.


Although seldom seen on the battlefield these creatures are responsible for performing the procedures that transform a Sandman into a Rampager they also supervise the testing of new weapons. These Doktors all look alike their pale plump faces glow with a feverish light. Glacial nurses help the Doktors; roumour has it their sex is stitched shut the significance of this is unknown.


These poor wretches must be captives of the Sandmen brutalised until they are little more than animals they toil under the lash building fortifications for their masters or acting as beasts of burden. On the battlefield they are used as a shield to soak up the enemies’ fire, the Sandmen care nothing for these creatures.


 At the heart of the Sandmen’s’ fortress is a room, its huge door guarded by two Uber Sandmen resplendent in black. The door its self is rich mahogany polished to a mirror shine. Behind these doors waits the leader of the Sandmen his name is Vortigern.


 The leader of the Sandmen in contrast to his creatures is entirely human in appearance. The planes of his face come together in a study of restrained cruelty, his whole bearing projects a aura of superiority that is hard to resist. Each of his agents has felt the power of his gaze and the majesty of his voice, for when he speaks it, is only to you. The façade is only skin deep within him lies an unfathomable void as old as time and as cold as death. Disturbia is like an errant child in need of a firm hand Vortigern is that firm hand



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